Wednesday, June 30, 2004

what passed me?

I went to Caleb's high school grad and found myself overcome with emotions. It was such a mix of feelings. On one hand, I was so proud of the man he's become and on the other, it was like seeing him for the first time as all grown up.
I've known Caleb since he was 3 or 4. My first memory of him was seeing him in his little red and blue jumper, holding a little nerf football and his security blanket. We fell into an easy relationship, like that of a bigger sister and little brother. And he was just that, my little brother for the next 13 years or so. We had great times together on family vacations, just hanging out, at church. Of course he did all the gross stuff that little brothers are oft to do... come to think about it, he still does all that! But somewhere when I hit my teens and then he hit his teens we drifted apart for a bit. 5 years difference is a lot during puberty and then I left for university. First couple years of university was such a tough learning experience for me. But then isn't it for everyone? But almost 6 years later, 3 different schools, countless of moves back and forth all over I'm back in Vancouver and have been bunking it out with Caleb's family since Christmas.

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