Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Its a bird, its a plane, its...

Is it a boy or girl? That is the first question everyone asks a pregnant woman. Well, it is a scientist, a mathlete, an artist, a bookworm, a doctor, a vet, an explorer… the possibilities are endless. It will have its parents’ wanderlust spirit and go on journeys of epic proportions. It will play with dolls, toy trucks and microscopes. It will wear onesies that have pink cupcakes on it or says “What a Hunk!” It will be brought up knowing nothing can hold it back no matter what others say. It will not just be a pretty baby, but a pretty intelligent, pretty adventurous, pretty brave one. Though it be little, it be fierce.

Monday, July 04, 2016

Why didn't anyone tell me?

Some women glow and have luscious hair. Or maybe that pregnancy glow is all a myth. There are things no one tells you about pregnancy:

1. Skin tags - I heard about stretch marks but skin tags?
2. Darkening of skin - Especially around my armpits, bellybutton and other... areas.
3. Insomnia - It's like orientation to what life will be like after baby comes and I'm failing miserably.
4. The farts, oh the farts - I'm a walking stink bomb.
5. The bloat - So bloated that people thought I was 8 months in my first trimester and I had to take my wedding ring off and now there's a permanent indentation on my finger.
6. Vaginal discharge - Let's leave it at that.
7. Groin cramps - They hit you when you least expect it.
8. B.O - Combined with heightened olfactory senses, I can't stand myself sometimes.
9. Pregnancy rhinitis - Allergy symptoms but it's not allergies. Endless sneezing nd no relief to be had.
10. Numb legs - Followed by pins and needles. I can't sit for more than 5 minutes and then my legs go numb.

Now for the wait into labour and finding out what no one ever tells you about giving birth and the aftermath...

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Growing together

And just when I thought I couldn't love my husband even more... 

Me: If we have a girl, and she wanted to dress up as Hans Solo, would you be her Princess Leia? 

Him: Of course. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Resurrecting old thoughts

It's been several years since I updated this blog. Reading back on old entries is familiar and strange at the same time. There have been changes abound and more to come of which uncertainty hangs like a ominous cloud. Hope is fragile and the wishing is almost unbearable at times. Perhaps I will revisit again in several years and the changes hence will render the present insignificant.