Monday, September 28, 2009


I want to start Tai Chi lessons again and move beyond the 24 forms.
I want to take dance lessons, ballet, swing, bollywood or maybe just bounce about.
I want to take guitar lessons and actually keep to it.
I want to finish my knitting and stitching projects.
I want to go climbing 3 times a week again and be able to do the Moonhill again.
I want to read the books I want to without feeling guilty.
I want to go to plays, music and dance performances, operas, concerts.
I want to spend a weekend on a LoTR marathon... the extended version.
I want to go outdoors and soak in the green.

I want to know how people balance working full-time, studying part-time with a life.

And I'll keep telling myself, less than a year to go now with my masters and then I will have my time back.